Hard Fork was activated on height 1,920,00. To continue using your funds please upgrade your wallets.

Data Directory

The disk location where Beam’s data files are stored, including the wallet data file.

Wallet files will be created in following folders:

Mac: /Users/{your_user_name}/Library/Application Support/Beam Wallet/

Windows: :\Users\{your_user_name}\AppData\Local\Beam Wallet

Linux: /home/{your_user_name}/.local/share/Beam Wallet

Upon running a Beam node, log files are located in the logs folder, which resides in the node folder. Once started, the node will create a node.db file in the same folder it is located. This file will store an internal state of the node. Upon the first launch, the node will download current blockchain history in batch mode as a single large macroblock. After the initial sync is complete, the node will continue to sync blocks and individual transactions from the current blockchain Tip (height) and onwards.

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