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Beam has implemented several improvements to the original Mimblewimble protocol to obfuscate the transaction graph. A hybrid of MW and Lelantus is bring introduced now, which should be a huge step forward in this direction.

The Lelantus protocol is the work of Zcoin's cryptographer Aram Jivanyan as part of their research to improve their privacy protocol. To fit our needs and utilize the full power of MW we made several modifications to the original protocol.

Lelantus uses standard cryptographic assumptions and allows the creation of a shielded UTXOs pool with strong anonymity. It also does not require any trusted setup. Lelantus-MW will dramatically increase the UTXO anonymity set and make it virtually impossible to establish links between different UTXOs. On top of that, Lelantus transactions will provide one-sided payments which allows for sending and receiving Beam without Mimblewimble’s interactivity requirement.

Read the full explanation on Lelantus here.

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