Hard Fork was activated on height 1,920,00. To continue using your funds please upgrade your wallets.

Opt-in Auditability

Auditability allow business to manage in a confidential way while being fully compliant.

The Auditability feature is an extension that we added to the original Mimblewimble protocol, allowing businesses or private individuals to report their financial history to their auditors or any other party of their choosing in a secure and provable way. If the user chooses to use Auditability, his/her wallet generates a key pair for audit.

With Auditability, the user can include additional information (e.g. info about the sender/receiver, invoice details etc) thus making it easier for the auditor to classify each transaction.
The auditor is not, able to create any transaction, nor spend any funds. The auditor can retrieve all transactions form the wallet and the blockchain, make sure that the transactions comply with the presented documents. Auditability is strictly an opt-in feature. If the user hasn’t chosen to be auditable, there is no way anyone can retrieve any information about his transactions from the blockchain.

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